Comparison Google PageSpeed vs RackCache
Google PageSpeed
Technology Description
Google PageSpeed Insights (PSI) is a Google service available for use on both desktops and smartphones. It provides detailed reports on the performance of the web pages. Its objective is to help empower its user base to optimize the performance of its web pages. It gives users access to lab data and field data along with real-user experience data. Google PageSpeed Insights provides users with an accurate assessment of the performance of the webpages based on three classifications, namely, good, needs improvement and poor. It provides vital performance signals along with performance diagnostics through ‘Lighthouse’. It provides information on the audits passed by the page as well.
RackCache is a component available for applications based on Rack. It focuses mainly on the HTTP caching aspect. It is known for its freshness/ expiration based caching and varied support. It is designed to be portable and suitable for use with any kind of Rack framework. It works mainly as a quick drop-in component and is standards-based. It is known for its easy configuration. It is suitable for small and medium-sized deployments. It is an effective interface known for its middleware. It is small in size and it is known for its flexibility. It provides Rack::Cache storage in two types, namely, Meta and Entity stores.
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