Comparison Google Tag Manager for WordPress vs Litespeed Cache

Google Tag Manager for WordPress

Litespeed Cache
Technology Description
Google Tag Manager for WordPress is a free plugin created by Thomas Geiger. It is made specifically for WordPress and comes with built-in configurations and functionalities. It is also available for use with WooCommerce. It provides fire tags in the container on the basis of weather conditions of visitors checking into the website. Google Tag Manager for WordPress provides the ease of scroll tracking on WordPress pages. It also provides integration with Contact Form 7. Google Tag Manager for WordPress relies on the use of GTM container code snippets and eliminates the necessity for manual use. Its GTM container code placement relies on Javascript code snippets and iframe snippets.
LiteSpeed Cache is a LiteSpeed service available for WordPress. It is considered an effective alternative to Apache and Varnish. It is also available for use with ClassicPress. It provides high-quality, DDoS protection. Litespeed Cache is used mainly for its ability to increase the speed of the PHP pages and handle static content in an effective manner. It comes with the capability of systematically reducing server load as well. The LiteSpeed Cache Engine is designed to be controlled through the use of rewrite rules. Litespeed Cache also provides a plugin to users to shorten the distance between the web app and Cache Engine effectively. The LiteSpeed Cache plugin is available for WordPress as well.
Website Count
WordPress Plugins
WordPress Plugins
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