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    Whooshkaa is a company active in the software development industry. It was founded in 2015. It is known for its expertise in the area of podcasting. It is known as an audio-on-demand company. It provides its services to businesses with the objective of improving employee engagement and ensuring business continuity. It is mainly preferred by brands and creators for its reliable podcasting technology. It provides scope for hosting, sharing, tracking along with monetization of content. It is preferred for the convenience provided in audio content management. It is relied on ony users to turn live broadcast radio into on-demand podcasts. It is also used by schools and universities.

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    Whooshkaa history

    Whooshkaa, an Australian-based podcast hosting platform, was founded by Rob Loewenthal in 2016. Since then, it has become a globally recognized platform, supporting thousands of podcasters and partnering with major media organizations.

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    ✨ Facts about Whooshkaa

    1. Whooshkaa is a podcast hosting, monetization, and distribution platform based in Australia that provides services to podcast creators and advertisers worldwide.
    2. The platform was founded in 2016 by former Australian radio executive Rob Loewenthal, with the aim to address the growing demand for high-quality audio content and help podcasters monetize their shows.
    3. Whooshkaa offers a range of tools and features for podcast creators, including audio editing, transcriptions, automated episode summaries, dynamic ad insertion, and detailed analytics on listener demographics and engagement.
    4. The platform has partnered with several popular podcast applications and directories, such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Amazon Alexa, enabling easy distribution and discoverability of podcasts hosted on Whooshkaa.
    5. Whooshkaa also offers a free tier for podcast creators with smaller audiences, as well as premium plans with advanced features, unlimited uploads, and custom branding options for larger podcast networks and businesses.

    Frequently Asked questions

    How can I create a podcast on Whooshkaa?

    What is Whooshkaa?

    Does Whooshkaa support monetization of my podcast?

    Can I track my podcast's performance on Whooshkaa?

    Is Whooshkaa compatible with major podcast directories and apps?

    Alternatives to Whooshkaa

    OWL Carousel

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