Company Enrichment From Domain API

Lightning Fast Web Metrics

Obtain the web rank, traffic insights, keyword analytics, PPC traffic info, and more with’s Company Enrichment API.

Make your research data-driven.
Accelerated Research
  • Classify your leads based on their domain. Narrow down your prospects based on PPC revenue limit, inbound traffic, etc.
Website Analytics
  • also includes website architecture in the metric. You can use the API to analyze and estimate not just the content, but also the structure of domains.
2    "domain":"",
3    "Web Rank": "3.1k+",
4    "Search Keywords": "480.4k+",
5    "Website Traffic": "861.0k+",
6    "PPC Traffic Value": "$5.2m+",
7    "Facebook Mentions": "3.6k+"

Information You Get From the APIAttribute Name in the JSONExplanation
No. of Total Emails Foundtotal email occurrencesNo. of email addresses found on the web matching a domain
No. of Unique Emails Foundtotal unique emails foundNo. of unique email addresses found on the web matching a domain
Email Addressesresults_foundA list of email addresses found along with the URLs where they were found
Personal EmailPersonalEmailA list of personal email addresses associated with an individual
Email VerificationinfoChecks if the email address is verified.
Phone Numbers From DomainPhoneA list of phone numbers associated with the company’s domain
Phone Numbers From LinkedInmobilenoA list of phone numbers associated with the company’s LinkedIn profile
LinkedIn DescriptionLinkedIn DescriptionThe LinkedIn description text
LinkedIn Social LinksLinkedIn Social LinksList of social links present on LinkedIn
Social Linkssocial_linksList of social links associated with the domain
Industry AssociationIndustryMainPrimary industry associations, e.g., Information Technology
Website Titlewebstite_titleThe title of the website
Website Descriptionwebsite_descriptionMeta description of the website.
Technology Lookuptechnology_listThe tech profile of the website including frameworks, widgets, CDNs and more from a repository of 15k+ technologies
Hosting SiteHostingWebsite’s hosting information
SchemaSchemaWebsite’s schema
Mobile AlternativeMobileAlternative mobile sites
Sub Industry AssociationSubIndustriesSecondary industry associations, eg., Sales, Network Security
SIC CodeSICcodeThe Standard Industrial Classification Code is used to classify companies based on industry associations
NAICS CodeNAICScodeThe North American Industry Classification System Code is used by Federal statistical agencies to classify US-based companies
Total Employee RangeTotal Employee RangeAn estimate of employee count
Exact Employee CountExact Employee CountThe exact employee count
Stock TickerStock TickerAn abbreviation used to identify shares of a stock. Eg. TWTR, TSLA
Stock ExchangeStock ExchangeThe stock market where the company’s stocks are traded. Eg. New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
Year FoundedYear FoundedThe year the company was founded in
Revenue RangeRevenue RangeAn estimate of company revenue
AcquisitionsLinkedIn AcquisitionsA list of acquisitions of the company
SubsidiariesLinkedIn SubsidiariesA list of subsidiaries of the company
Monthly VisitorsMonthly VisitorsAverage monthly visitors on the website
DomaindomainThe primary domain name
IP AddressIPThe IP address of the domain
Alternative DomainsdomainAltsA list of alternative domain names, if any
Top-level DomainDomainTLDThe top-level domain name, which is the trailing part of a URL, after the root. Eg. .com, .org, .dev, .ai, etc
Web RankWeb RankDomain ranking on the internet based on Tranco & OpenPage Rank
Search KeywordsSearch KeywordsNo. of search keywords associated with a domain
Website TrafficWebsite TrafficThe inbound traffic on a domain
PPC Traffic ValuePPC Traffic ValueAn estimate of money required for a similar pay-per-click advertisement model as the domain
Facebook MentionsFacebook MentionsNo. of times the company was mentioned (tagged) on Facebook
CountryCountryGeolocation of the country the company is based in
CountyCountyGeolocation of the county the company is based in
ContinentContinentGeolocation of the continent the company is based in
Max Email PatternMax Email PatternThe usage statistics of commonly used patterns in email addresses associated with the domain
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