Building websites is a task that requires skill and experience. It can be a lengthy process where you may have to rethink your design options and rework on it. A website framework can help provide a structure to this process.
So what is a website framework? Simply put, it is a library used by developers to increase the speed of web development and receive simplification in the process. Website frameworks are typically based on different programming languages and involve a learning curve. Therefore, programmers can rely on the use of documentation and video tutorials to get started.
Website frameworks can either be frontend or backend.

- Frontend website frameworks are those that are used to build and design the visual component of the website or application. Some popular frontend frameworks are AngularJS.
- Backend website frameworks, as the name suggests, are used to build and design the backend aspect of the website. Some popular backend frameworks are Ruby on Rails and Laravel.
The 8 Pros of Using Website Frameworks
Ease of Use

Although website frameworks do involve a learning curve and will require some time to master, they are far more suitable than the alternative, i.e., to become fully well-versed with different programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Website frameworks are highly accessible and can be used by non-technical users with ease. They are known for being highly responsive by default. They are available for use on all major browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.

Money design over blue background, vector illustration
Another major reason why programmers like to use website frameworks is that it helps them save a lot of time and effort that they can direct into more critical functions. The website framework performs many important functions and eliminates the necessity for repetitive coding.
You will receive a user-friendly coding interface along with many pre-defined template options to choose from. Website frameworks also come with the capability of making many important decisions in the web development process on your behalf.
When you begin using a website framework for your project, you can ensure clarity in the process from start to finish. You can have a clearly-defined structure within which you and your team members can operate and work. In addition, you will be relying on standardized coding practices and eliminate the possibility of errors that can otherwise slow you down.
Facilitates Collaboration Among Team Members

A framework provides an environment that is highly conducive for a developer team to work with one another in harmony without having clashes. You can have clearly defined roles in the process. Every team member will have the tools required to work in their area of expertise.
Highly Secure
Website frameworks are built and designed with modern-day security issues and concerns in mind. They protect you against the possibility of hackers that can slow your project down. They will have many in-built security features like protection against Cross-Site Scripting attacks or XSS management and Cross-Site Request Forgery.
It will provide scope for authentication, authorization, enforcement of HTTPS, and robust data protection, among others. They will have data validation, SQL, and encryption services as well.
Provision for Testing

The use of a web framework is incomplete without proper testing. The testing is usually done in phases, and it is notorious for being time-consuming and challenging.
Website frameworks help facilitate the process of testing as smoothly as possible. In addition, many website frameworks provide scope to create custom tests in order to test the performance of the different components of the application.
They support users in the optimization of code quality and ensure that it is fully readable. They provide scope for debugging and offer QA testing as well. This aspect of testing requires skill and expertise.
Scope for the Use of Plugins
A website framework gives developers the freedom to customize and enhance its functionality through the use of a wide range of plugins. They offer plugins for different purposes like HTML rendering, JavaScript components, and tagging. Website frameworks also provide users the option to use add-ons, widgets, and themes of their own choice and requirements.
Community Support

Website frameworks are popular for their robust community bases, which contain experts on various aspects of the web development process. You can find highly skilled engineers and developers that will be happy to connect and share their knowledge.
Website frameworks that have active communities are typically well-maintained. If the website framework has any issues or bugs, they are quickly resolved by the proactive efforts of the community members.
You will also get the benefit of gaining access to a plethora of information on the knowledge base. It will help you resolve the issues that you may likely face in the development process.
The 4 Cons of Using Website Frameworks
It Prevents the User From Learning Programming Languages
Because web development frameworks serve as a convenient alternative to taking the time out to learn and understand a programming language, users typically tend to miss out on many of the benefits.
Without knowledge of a programming language, they will not be able to take full advantage of the framework and develop sites or applications that can help them stand out among their competitors. Their library options will be limited as well.
Open-Source Web Frameworks Have Security Concerns

Open-source web frameworks make their source code easily available to the public. As a result, they can be more vulnerable to hackers and also to risks associated with the use of third-party tools. The vulnerabilities will plainly be made known, and there can be the issue of poor developer practices as well.
Website Frameworks Can Slow Down the Performance of the Website

Although website frameworks can help speed up the process of website development, they still come with a significant disadvantage. Because of the presence of the sheer number of pre-defined codes in the framework, the website performance can take a hit.
Hence, the use of full-stack web frameworks may not be suitable for businesses that are looking to build simple websites and applications. Instead, they can consider going for the alternative, which is a microweb framework.
The Website Framework’s Core Behavior Remains the Same
Website frameworks offer plenty of scope for customization. However, they have their limits and won’t let you make changes to their core behavior. This means that you will need to be careful when making a website framework selection and be aware of its various limitations before you use it for your project.
Also read: Top CMS for JS Developers
In Conclusion
By being aware of the various pros and cons associated with the use of website frameworks, you should be able to make the right choice. It helps to consult your team members and understand their requirements and comfort zone well. You have choices like JavaScript frameworks, PHP frameworks, mobile frameworks, Ruby frameworks, and CSS frameworks.