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  • Websites using Aksara CMS

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    Aksara CMS is a CRUD toolkit used to create different types of applications such as web apps, API services and development and synchronization toolkits. It is also used for enterprise resource planning. Aksara CMS is based on CodeIgniter and it doesn’t require lengthy codes. It is a toolkit which is built as per ready-to-use quality standards. Aksara CMS provides a smart routing algorithm and it also offers scalability. It is typically used by developers to create complex applications. It also has an in-built library and document management. It provides multi-layered security to the applications. Aksara CMS is available in many languages. It also provides free support to its users.

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    Aksara CMS history

    Aksara CMS was developed in 2016 as an open-source content management system to create web applications using PHP language. It gained popularity for its flexibility, enabling developers to build various types of websites, such as e-commerce, blogs, and administrative panels.

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    ✨ Facts about Aksara CMS

    1. Aksara CMS is an open-source content management system (CMS) developed primarily for creating websites and web applications in a user-friendly, efficient, and customizable manner.
    2. It is built using the popular PHP programming language, along with the powerful CodeIgniter web application framework, which provides a lightweight and efficient foundation for Aksara CMS to run smoothly.
    3. Aksara CMS offers a wide range of features, including an intuitive admin panel, easy content editing, flexible theming options, built-in SEO tools, and support for responsive design, making it suitable for various types of projects.
    4. One key strength of Aksara CMS is its modularity, as it enables users to extend its core functionality with additional modules and plugins, which are easily installed or removed as needed, without affecting the core system.
    5. Aksara CMS emphasizes security and performance, ensuring that websites and web applications built with it are protected from common vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection attacks, and also load quickly and efficiently.

    Frequently Asked questions

    What is Aksara CMS?

    Which programming languages and technologies are used in Aksara CMS?

    Is Aksara CMS suitable for e-commerce websites?

    How secure is Aksara CMS?

    What are the system requirements to install Aksara CMS?

    Alternatives to Aksara CMS

    GoDaddy Website Builder

    ✨ Top alternatives of Aksara CMS from web











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