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    GraphCMS is a content management system that provides a high degree of efficiency through its reliance on GraphQL. GraphCMS is created by Michael and Daniel. It is headquartered in Berlin, Germany. It serves as a headless platform. It is designed to be API first. GraphCMS is used to create and deliver content with ease. It provides unification of content as well. It helps ensure the content is product-ready. It is used by engineering teams and content creators. It is known for its small size. It supports field-based localizations along with local-based publishing. It provides integration with backend services as well.

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    GraphCMS history

    GraphCMS was founded in 2016 by Michael Lukaszczyk and Daniel Winter as the first fully serverless headless CMS. Today, it is a popular content management solution trusted by developers and businesses worldwide, including companies like T-Mobile, Pepsi, and Shure.

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    ✨ Facts about GraphCMS

    1. GraphCMS is a Headless CMS: GraphCMS is a modern headless Content Management System (CMS) that allows developers to create, manage, and deliver digital content across multiple platforms and devices. It uses API-driven architecture, meaning only the backend for content management is provided, and the frontend remains open to customization and flexibility for developers.
    2. GraphQL-based: GraphCMS is built around GraphQL, a query language and runtime for APIs, which improves data-fetching efficiency and provides more precise data retrieval compared to traditional REST APIs. This makes it easier for developers to request only the data they need, reducing the amount of transferred and processed data.
    3. Highly Scalable and Flexible: GraphCMS is designed for scalability, allowing organizations to adapt their content management system as their needs evolve. Being a cloud-native solution, GraphCMS automatically scales to handle traffic spikes or increased demand, ensuring high performance and smooth user experience for the end-users.
    4. Real-time Content Updates: GraphCMS enables real-time content syncing with its built-in webhooks and integrations. This way, when content is updated in the CMS, the connected websites or applications can be instantly updated, ensuring consistent content across all platforms.
    5. Wide Range of Integrations: GraphCMS offers a range of integrations with third-party services and tools, such as analytics, marketing automation, A/B testing, and more. These integrations make it easy for developers and content editors to streamline their workflows and efficiently manage their content in a centralized platform.

    Frequently Asked questions

    What is GraphCMS?

    How does GraphCMS compare to traditional CMS platforms?

    Does GraphCMS provide hosting for my website or application?

    Can I migrate my existing CMS data to GraphCMS?

    Is GraphCMS suitable for e-commerce applications?

    Alternatives to GraphCMS

    GoDaddy Website Builder

    ✨ Top alternatives of GraphCMS from web











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