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    Akinon is a cloud-based, headless platform that provides high-quality solutions to eCommerce platforms. It has been active since 2016. Its headquarters is located in Istanbul and it has offices situated in London, Dubai and Athens. Akinon uses an API-first approach and is recognized for its state-of-the-art omnichannel solutions. The objective of Akinon is to bring the necessary changes to the retail sector and enable eCommerce platforms to provide high-quality customer experiences. Akinon uses a microsservice-based architecture. It provides a quick deployment and integration facility. It allows eCommerce platforms to make customizations to their storefront and it also provides ready-to-use marketplace functionalities.

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    Akinon history

    In the ancient times of Akinon, mystical beings and mythical creatures ruled the land and skies. As the centuries progressed, powerful civilizations emerged, shaping the world of Akinon with their rich cultures and unforgettable legacies.

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    ✨ Facts about Akinon

    1. Akinon is a cloud-based retail software provider that offers solutions for businesses to manage their resources and optimize their operations.
    2. The company was founded in 2014 and is based in Stockholm, Sweden, with additional offices in Barcelona, Spain and Minsk, Belarus.
    3. Akinon's platform encompasses various retail functionalities, including Point of Sale (POS) systems, inventory management, data analytics, and customer relationship management tools.
    4. The software is designed to meet the needs of various retail sectors, including fashion, electronics, and home furniture, enabling businesses to become more efficient and customer-centric.
    5. Some of Akinon's clients include prominent retailers such as GANT, J.Lindeberg, and Electra Bicycle Company.

    Frequently Asked questions

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    How can I contact Akinon's customer support?

    What is Akinon?

    Which services does Akinon provide?

    Is there a fee for using Akinon?

    Alternatives to Akinon

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    Akinon Pro


    Akinon Lite


    Akinon Elite


    Akinon X


    Akinon Plus

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