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    Salesfloor is a company working in the software development industry. It has been active since 2013 and is based in Montreal, Quebec. Its area of specialization is e-commerce and retail sales. It serves as a user-friendly designed to optimize customer engagement and in-store experiences efficiently. Salesfloor has won many awards for its top-quality performance and positive results. Salesfloor’s products include virtual shopping, clienteling, AI-assisted billing and the Salesfloor cloud. It is known for offering high-quality industry-specific modules such as speciality store associates, big box associates, independent retailers, virtual sales associates, direct sales companies, financial services, pharmacy and travel.

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    Salesfloor history

    The origins of salesfloor techniques date back to ancient marketplaces, where traders gathered to exchange goods and services. Over time, advancements in technology and communication transformed the salesfloor landscape into diverse retail experiences and digital platforms.

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    ✨ Facts about Salesfloor

    1. Salesfloor is a retail technology platform that enables store associates to create personalized customer experiences, both online and in-store, through unified tools for clienteling, social selling, and virtual consultations.
    2. The platform provides a centralized interface for sales associates to manage customer profiles, access product information, and communicate with customers through various channels such as email, social media, and live chat.
    3. Salesfloor was founded in 2013 by Oscar Sachs and Ben Rodier, who identified a gap in the market for a solution that empowers store associates to engage with customers more effectively in the digital age, driving sales and loyalty.
    4. Several prominent retailers, including Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus, and Ann Taylor, have adopted Salesfloor to improve customer service, increase sales, and bridge the gap between online and brick-and-mortar shopping experiences.
    5. Salesfloor has received multiple awards and recognitions, including being named a Top Innovator by Retail Innovator Awards and winning the Retail Innovation Award at Etail Canada.

    Frequently Asked questions

    What is Salesfloor and how does it benefit my business?

    Can Salesfloor be integrated with my existing e-commerce platform?

    Are there any industry-specific versions of Salesfloor available?

    What type of support and training is provided for Salesfloor users?

    Is Salesfloor a secure platform, and what measures are in place to protect user data?

    Alternatives to Salesfloor

    OWL Carousel

    ✨ Top alternatives of Salesfloor from web


    Virtual Showroom




    Retail Reef





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