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    TrustYou is a company known for its experience and expertise in the hospitality industry. It was founded in 2008. It is headquartered in Munich, Bavaria. It also has offices in San Diego, Madrid, Cluj, Tokyo and Singapore. It is known for its efficiency in online reputation management and reputation marketing. It provides its user base with a Guest Experience Platform (GX) in order to help users understand their client base and optimize the guest experience accordingly. TrustYou provides its users with benefits like turning negative guest experiences into positive experiences, giving them access to actionable insights and helping them get better reviews. It is known for its efficiency in review marketing, live messaging and post-stay surveys.

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    TrustYou history

    TrustYou, a leading guest feedback and reputation management platform, was founded in 2008 by Benjamin Jost and Jakob Riegger. Since its inception, TrustYou has analyzed over 500 million reviews from travelers worldwide and continues to shape the hospitality industry by transforming guest feedback into actionable insights for its clients.

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    ✨ Facts about TrustYou

    1. TrustYou is a leading guest feedback platform: Founded in 2008, TrustYou is a company that provides reputation management services for hotels and hospitality businesses to analyze, manage, and improve their online reputation by collecting and analyzing guest feedback.
    2. Comprehensive review data and analytics: TrustYou's platform gathers guest feedback from various sources, including surveys, social media, and online review sites. It uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing to analyze the data and provide hotels with actionable insights to enhance their services and facilities.
    3. TrustYou Meta-Review and Google partnership: TrustYou's Meta-Review is a summary of verified guest feedback, highlighting the key points and categories that matter most to travelers. Google partnered with TrustYou to incorporate Meta-Reviews for hotels on its search results and Google Maps, which helps potential customers make informed booking decisions.
    4. Global clientele: TrustYou provides services to over 50,000 hotels, accommodations, and hospitality businesses in more than 100 countries. Its diverse client base includes independent hotels, large chains, and vacation rentals. Some prominent clients include AccorHotels, Radisson Hotel Group, and NH Hotel Group.
    5. Acquisition by Recruit Holdings: In 2017, TrustYou was acquired by Recruit Holdings, a Japanese human resources and information services company, for an undisclosed amount. The acquisition allowed TrustYou to expand its global reach and strengthen its position in the hospitality industry.

    Frequently Asked questions

    What is TrustYou?

    How does TrustYou benefit my hotel or hospitality business?

    Which platforms does TrustYou collect guest feedback from?

    Can TrustYou help me respond to guest reviews?

    Is my data secure with TrustYou?

    Alternatives to TrustYou

    OWL Carousel

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